Here you find the course material Link to material on GoogleDrive Fredrik shows examples of nice art books jane jacobs - death and life of great american cities jan gehl - how to study public life Sennett - The Craftsman Foot Paths - Hamish Fulton idea books - link suggested by Kenan Archigram - the book Nigel Cross - Design thinking Lecture by Paola Viganò Booth - the craft of research umberto eco - how to write a thesis design and the elastic mind - MoMA Kuhn - The structure of scientific revolutions smlxl - Rem Koolhaas berlin transfer tyt1 - Olafur Eliasson Ingels - yes is more LITERATURE LIST Filter CategoriesFILTER: ALLapproachesart booksthesis structure
material close SCHEDULE / STRUCTURE EXHIBITION ZOOM MATERIAL PROJECTS COURSE DESCRIPTION Master thesis 2023 DIA Dessau Lecturer / Lehrbeauftragter Fredrik Skåtar VAGUENESS close menu website is under construction, please come back soon keyboard_arrow_down keyboard_arrow_up SCHEDULE / STRUCTURE